Annual Church Profile

Your church’s information helps us effectively plan events, prepare resources, allocate ministry funds, and evaluate needs. Please fill out the form at the bottom of this page or submit your answers directly on SBC Workspace. Annual Church Profile Deadline: September 21st

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we fill out the Annual Church Profile (ACP)?

The information provided helps us effectively plan events, prepare resources, allocate ministry funds and evaluate needs within Bell Baptist Association.

What time frame are we reporting?

The ACP is based on a 12-month period from September 1st of last year through Aug 31st of this year, but you may use the 12-month reporting period that your church chooses.

What if I still have questions?

If you have other questions about the ACP we would love to answer them for you. Please call the BBA Office at (254) 939-0761 or email your questions to

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