About Us

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Welcome to the Bell Baptist Association website.
We appreciate you visiting us and trust this will be a helpful time for you.

Bell Baptist Association is a grouping of about seventy-six churches and sponsored missions (church starts) in Bell County, Texas.

Caring – Bell Baptist encourages and supports churches to be healthier together.
Connecting – Bell Baptist connects churches together and to the communities they serve.
Equipping – Bell Baptist provides resources and training to help churches achieve their Kingdom objectives.
Sending – Bell Baptist is committed to evangelism and missional engagement through the churches to the ends of the world.

Mission Statement

The Bell Baptist Association exists to facilitate Healthy Churches in accomplishing their great Commission Mandate.

Mission Purposes

The Association of Churches is committed to caring, connecting, equipping, and sending forth the BBA Family by helping churches with:

  • Meaningful Relationships,
  • Purposeful Partnerships,
  • Shared Resources and,
  • Missional Engagement.

Our goal is to be an association on mission.
We are using Acts 1:8 as our goal.

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